Holy Neck Community

Holy Neck is an established neighborhood in which builders are frequently building new home models on available empty lots.

S Quay Rd & Bethany School Rd Suffolk

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Description of Holy Neck, Suffolk

New construction homes on large pieces of land are available in Holy Neck. New homes in this neighborhood hint that a bad day in the country is still better than a good day in the city. These special residences are nicely appointed and give homebuyers a comfortable way of life. Located way out of the way in a southwestern corner of Suffolk, VA, these new homes are the perfect places to relax after a long day’s work. City amenities and regional military bases are still within driving distance.

Homebuyers in Hampton Roads can look for a change of pace in this land filled with rolling hills and picturesque meadows. New construction homes dot this Virginia landscape and make it worthy of a postcard picture. New homes tend to come with small lots in denser populated areas but here where the air is cleaner and the pace is slower, home sites are in the neighborhood of around one acre. A new house in Holy Neck may feature recessed lighting, Berber carpeting, eat-in kitchen, garage with door opener, tray ceilings, deck, double sinks in master bathroom, finished room over garage, porch, ceiling fans, fireplace with marble surround and more.

The land around Holy Neck is broad, vast and can sometimes feel like it could go on forever. Things are different out in this neck of the woods and that’s what makes these new homes exceptional. This isn’t part of the suburban, new construction movement. Houses out here are for people who want a little privacy because they like wide, open spaces. Fisherman can take advantage of local spots like Lake Kilby and Speights Run Reservoir to bring home their next big catch. Take some time off at the Cypress Cove Country Club in nearby Franklin. Swim at the pool, play tennis, play a round golf and meet friends in the clubhouse for dinner.

Suffolk is the place to be when peace and tranquility are sought after in a new construction home. Live on the land in style in one of these new homes. Holy Neck awaits those who want better.

Builders in Holy Neck, Suffolk

Neighborhood Listings from the MLS

Community Profile for zip code 23437

Total Population
Median Commute Time
Median Years in Residence
Residential Turnover Rate
Median Home Sales Price
Crime Risk Index
Air Pollution Index
Family Households
Households w/ Children
Population Density
Median Age
Median Household Income
Per Capita Income
White Collar Jobs
Overall Weather Risk

Notice: This free community resource was developed from public information by Simonhouses.com and does not imply that SimonHouses.com nor Wainwright Real Estate are the listing agent/company at this community. Homes shown in pictures above are not necessarily for sale. All photos are strictly for informational purposes only. If any of these homes are currently listed, this is not intended to be a solicitation. The average home prices in neighborhoods listed above are periodically gathered from public resources; all information reflected here is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Read our full terms of use »

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