Portlock Square Community

Reunion Street Chesapeake, VA 23324

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Details for Portlock Square, Chesapeake

Property Type
Military Bases
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Description of Portlock Square, Chesapeake

Getting a new home can be simple. New construction properties in Portlock Square are ideal for townhouse buyers who don't want to sacrifice classy living in order to spare costs. These affordable units offer stylish designs both inside and out that appeal to a wide variety of personal tastes. Every savvy homebuyer knows that value is one of the most important elements when it comes to purchasing real estate and that's precisely why such buyers flock to this complex. Located near SoNo, or South Norfolk, in the Portlock area of Chesapeake, VA, this development allows residents easy access to interstates, tunnels and bridges. Military members can quickly commute to Naval Station Norfolk, Naval Medical Center Portsmouth and Norfolk Naval Shipyard.

Each new construction townhouse at Portlock Square can accommodate families or couples perfectly. Owners with children may like knowing their new homes are not far from local schools. Portlock Primary, George Washington Carver Intermediate, Oscar Smith Middle and Oscar Smith High serve these properties.

Buyers who choose properties within Portlock Square can select between exterior and interior floor plans. The exterior townhouse only shares one wall, as it is on the end and the interior unit shares two walls, as it is nestled directly between two other townhomes. Each new home comes with a standard one-year warranty from the builder, which helps puts any worries to rest.

Living in this area of Virginia can be exciting for homeowners. Chesapeake offers much in the way of recreation, shopping and entertainment. Come check out these new construction townhomes and enjoy the good life for less.

Builders in Portlock Square, Chesapeake

Neighborhood Listings from the MLS

Community Profile for zip code 23324

Total Population
Median Commute Time
Median Years in Residence
Residential Turnover Rate
Median Home Sales Price
Crime Risk Index
Air Pollution Index
Family Households
Households w/ Children
Population Density
Median Age
Median Household Income
Per Capita Income
White Collar Jobs
Overall Weather Risk

Notice: This free community resource was developed from public information by Simonhouses.com and does not imply that SimonHouses.com nor Wainwright Real Estate are the listing agent/company at this community. Homes shown in pictures above are not necessarily for sale. All photos are strictly for informational purposes only. If any of these homes are currently listed, this is not intended to be a solicitation. The average home prices in neighborhoods listed above are periodically gathered from public resources; all information reflected here is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Read our full terms of use »

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