Community Profile - Yorktown, 23692

23692 is a zip code in Yorktown, Virginia. Significant Percentage of Family Households, Moderate Residential Turnover, Coastal Area, Large Area(s) of Government Designated Parkland, Suburb of Virginia Beach. The median home sales price here ($259,500) is higher than in the Norfolk-Virginia Beach-Newport News metro area as a whole. 23692 is mostly a white collar job area.

Map of 23692

Real Estate Listings in 23692

16 results, showing the first 12; See All

513 Fleming

York County, VA 23692

410000.00 MLS# 10528860

118 Solebay

York County, VA 23692

254900.00 MLS# 10528947

161 Wineberry

York County, VA 23692

375000.00 MLS# 10528646

303 Lindsay Landing

York County, VA 23692

499900.00 MLS# 10528049

206 Jefferson

York County, VA 23692

360000.00 MLS# 10527902

533 Allens Mill

York County, VA 23692

500000.00 MLS# 10526957

203 Crystal Lake

York County, VA 23692

550000.00 MLS# 10527497

114 Carraway

York County, VA 23692

360000.00 MLS# 10527760

1116 Hornsbyville

York County, VA 23692

430000.00 MLS# 10526920

205 Lynns

York County, VA 23692

447900.00 MLS# 10526498

101 Farmstead

York County, VA 23692

249900.00 MLS# 10526087

114 Copeland

York County, VA 23692

415900.00 MLS# 10521531

23692 Population Demographics

Total Population: 17,499 Households: 7,269
Male Population: 8,498 Family Households: 5,483
Female Population: 9,001 Households with Children: 2,186
Percent Change Since 1990: 24% Average Household Size: 2
Population Density: 809/sq mi Median Age: 43.67 yrs

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Last Data Update: 2024-04-20 08:58:04