Community Profile - Virginia Beach, 23452

23452 is a zip code in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Nearby Military Facility(ies), Moderate Residential Turnover, Coastal Area. The median home sales price here ($192,400) is lower than in the Norfolk-Virginia Beach-Newport News metro area as a whole. 23452 is mostly a white collar job area.

Map of 23452

Real Estate Listings in 23452

61 results, showing the first 12; See All

500 Mango

Virginia Beach, VA 23452

150000.00 MLS# 10564074

449 Presidential

Virginia Beach, VA 23452

370000.00 MLS# 10564009

128 S Kentucky

Virginia Beach, VA 23452

350000.00 MLS# 10563658

352 Lineberry

Virginia Beach, VA 23452

320000.00 MLS# 10563871

160 Bassett

Virginia Beach, VA 23452

489000.00 MLS# 10563680

452 Dauphin

Virginia Beach, VA 23452

359000.00 MLS# 10563547

3320 Zurich

Virginia Beach, VA 23452

220000.00 MLS# 10563539

3009 Ashlawn

Virginia Beach, VA 23452

359900.00 MLS# 10562764

432 Lynn Shores

Virginia Beach, VA 23452

459900.00 MLS# 10563391

520 Abbot Muse

Virginia Beach, VA 23452

220000.00 MLS# 10563388

228 Parkway

Virginia Beach, VA 23452

425000.00 MLS# 10563192

4195 Thalia Station

Virginia Beach, VA 23452

220000.00 MLS# 10563300

23452 Population Demographics

Total Population: 58,533 Households: 22,204
Male Population: 28,190 Family Households: 15,399
Female Population: 30,343 Households with Children: 7,675
Percent Change Since 1990: -5% Average Household Size: 3
Population Density: 3,362/sq mi Median Age: 35.52 yrs

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Virginia Beach Homes in Zip Code

Welcome to, your premier source for real estate and homes for sale in 23452 in North Central Virginia Beach. Search for homes in 23452 and the larger city of Virginia Beach or contact one of our real estate agents. We specialize in new construction and military relocation in Hampton Roads. We also have an aggressive marketing campaign that can get your home sold quickly. Contact us today about homes in 23452.

Virginia Beach Real Estate

Although well known as a popular tourist location, Virginia Beach is a wonderful place to live. The city is largely urban and suburban, with a considerable amount of waterfront property. Housing options range from townhomes, condos, and single-family homes to farms, multi-family homes and waterfront estates.

Related Neighborhoods

Last Data Update: 2024-12-22 02:28:03