Community Profile - Norfolk, 23513
23513 is a zip code in Norfolk, Virginia. Nearby Military Facility(ies), Stable Population, Moderate Residential Turnover, Suburb of Virginia Beach. The median home sales price here ($125,000) is lower than in the Norfolk-Virginia Beach-Newport News metro area as a whole. 23513 is mostly a white collar job area.
Map of 23513
Real Estate Listings in 23513
23513 Population Demographics
Total Population: 28,303 | Households: 11,072 |
Male Population: 13,210 | Family Households: 7,369 |
Female Population: 15,092 | Households with Children: 4,229 |
Percent Change Since 1990: -7% | Average Household Size: 3 |
Population Density: 5,375/sq mi | Median Age: 30.88 yrs |
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Norfolk Homes in Zip Code
Welcome to, your premier source for real estate and homes for sale in 23513 in East Norfolk. Search for homes in 23513 and the larger city of Norfolk or contact one of our real estate agents. We specialize in new construction and military relocation in Hampton Roads. We also have an aggressive marketing campaign that can get your home sold quickly. Contact us today about homes in 23513.
Norfolk Real Estate
Norfolk is a city full of life and diversity. Whether looking for a home uptown, downtown, eastside, or westside, one will find that Norfolk offers a vast array of urban, suburban, and rural living options. From townhouses, waterfront condos, and lofts in downtown to single-family homes farther from the commercial district, and beautiful waterfront property on the Chesapeake Bay, Norfolk has something for everyone.
Related Neighborhoods
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- Brandon Place
- Broad Creek
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- Camden Heights
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- Camellia Shores
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- Coleman Annex
- Coleman Place
- Coleman Place East
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- Denby Park
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- Easton Place
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- Elizabeth Riverpoint
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- Estabrook
- Estabrook Park
- Estabrook West
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- Fairmount East
- Fairmount Manor
- Fairmount Park
- Fairmount Park East
- Fox Hall Gardens
- Fox Hall North
- Fox Hall Point
- Fox Hall Res Park
- Glengariff
- Glenrock
- Green Hill Farms
- Greenwood
- Haynes Tract
- Heritage Point
- Hollywood
- Hunt Club Point
- Idlewood
- Inglenook Park
- Ingleside
- Ingleside Manor
- Ingleside North
- Ingleside Shores
- Ingleside Terrace
- Kent Park
- Lafayette Annex
- Lafayette Manor
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- Lake Terrace
- Lakeland Homes
- Lansdale
- Lansdale Gardens
- Larrymore Lawns
- Liberty Park
- Lincoln Park
- Maple Hall
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Last Data Update: 2025-02-07 10:13:03