Community Profile - Hampton, 23666

23666 is a zip code in Hampton, Virginia. Close to Military Facility(ies), Stable Population, Moderate Residential Turnover, Suburb of Virginia Beach. The median home sales price here ($172,000) is lower than in the Norfolk-Virginia Beach-Newport News metro area as a whole. 23666 is mostly a white collar job area.

Map of 23666

Real Estate Listings in 23666

73 results, showing the first 12; See All

810 Celia

Hampton, VA 23666

299900.00 MLS# 10529764

2213 Armistead

Hampton, VA 23666

350000.00 MLS# 10529573

424 Anchorage

Hampton, VA 23666

374995.00 MLS# 10529680

403 Woodview

Hampton, VA 23666

280000.00 MLS# 10529520

204 Joynes

Hampton, VA 23666

236900.00 MLS# 10529478

1387 Peabody

Hampton, VA 23666

188000.00 MLS# 10529574

9 Red Leaf

Hampton, VA 23666

269900.00 MLS# 10529163

5 Bickfield

Hampton, VA 23666

360000.00 MLS# 10529175

6 Tamarisk

Hampton, VA 23666

145000.00 MLS# 10529100

110 Lancaster

Hampton, VA 23666

374500.00 MLS# 10528868

207 Waterside

Hampton, VA 23666

260000.00 MLS# 10528946

13 Pacific

Hampton, VA 23666

145000.00 MLS# 10529049

23666 Population Demographics

Total Population: 51,019 Households: 21,572
Male Population: 24,456 Family Households: 12,783
Female Population: 26,563 Households with Children: 6,660
Percent Change Since 1990: 22% Average Household Size: 2
Population Density: 2,476/sq mi Median Age: 33.79 yrs

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Hampton Homes in Zip Code

Welcome to, your premier source for real estate and homes for sale in 23666 in West Hampton. Search for homes in 23666 and the larger city of Hampton or contact one of our real estate agents. We specialize in new construction and military relocation in Hampton Roads. We also have an aggressive marketing campaign that can get your home sold quickly. Contact us today about homes in 23666.

Hampton Real Estate

The city of Hampton offers residents a peaceful suburban community with a hint of city life and excitement. Neighborhoods vary from quiet ones away from city noise to homes in the heart of the city's action. A diversity of housing options are available here, many at a very affordable price.

Related Neighborhoods

Last Data Update: 2024-04-25 16:43:02