Community Profile - Chesapeake, 23320

23320 is a zip code in Chesapeake, Virginia. Stable Population, Moderate Residential Turnover. The median home sales price here ($227,445) is higher than in the Norfolk-Virginia Beach-Newport News metro area as a whole. 23320 is mostly a white collar job area.

Map of 23320

Real Estate Listings in 23320

104 results, showing the first 12; See All

614 Primrose

Chesapeake, VA 23320

229000.00 MLS# 10569385

117 Jones St

Chesapeake, VA 23320

389000.00 MLS# 10569268

1361 Auburn Hill

Chesapeake, VA 23320

515000.00 MLS# 10569231

1060 Still Harbor

Chesapeake, VA 23320

255000.00 MLS# 10568653

515 Seahorse

Chesapeake, VA 23320

243000.00 MLS# 10569222

6 Farington

Chesapeake, VA 23320

270000.00 MLS# 10569037

1518 Long Parish

Chesapeake, VA 23320

390000.00 MLS# 10569105

1416 Titchfield

Chesapeake, VA 23320

275000.00 MLS# 10569015

1220 Laurel

Chesapeake, VA 23320

439900.00 MLS# 10568913

1300 Sand Bunker

Chesapeake, VA 23320

290000.00 MLS# 10568722

704 Meherrin River

Chesapeake, VA 23320

215000.00 MLS# 10568721

1916 Keeter

Chesapeake, VA 23320

390000.00 MLS# 10568688

23320 Population Demographics

Total Population: 52,876 Households: 20,753
Male Population: 24,909 Family Households: 14,250
Female Population: 27,967 Households with Children: 7,423
Percent Change Since 1990: 78% Average Household Size: 3
Population Density: 1,563/sq mi Median Age: 34.56 yrs

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Chesapeake Homes in Zip Code

Welcome to, your premier source for real estate and homes for sale in 23320 in Central Chesapeake. Search for homes in 23320 and the larger city of Chesapeake or contact one of our real estate agents. We specialize in new construction and military relocation in Hampton Roads. We also have an aggressive marketing campaign that can get your home sold quickly. Contact us today about homes in 23320.

Chesapeake Real Estate

Chesapeake is one of the largest cities in Hampton Roads, and as a result has a wide range of housing options to offer. These vary from traditional neighborhoods in South Norfolk to the open countryside of southern Chesapeake. Although the city is growing at a rapid pace, much of it remains undeveloped, making it an excellent place for those interested in new construction.

Related Neighborhoods

Last Data Update: 2025-02-07 10:13:03