Hi there! I'm Amanda Laster.  My license is currently in referral, but I am happy to connect you with a like minded agent to assist with your buying and selling needs!

I'm a homegrown Hampton Roads native. As a local, I know the area well and enjoy helping my clients find the home they are looking for in a neighborhood they love. I am dedicated to giving my clients the best experience possible. Buying and selling a home is a major life event. You can count on me to explain the whole home-buying or selling process, so that you always feel prepared and informed. I've worked in real estate for 15 years and have gained experience in different aspects of it from residential, to new construction, to commercial. I listen carefully as I guide my clients through the process so that I am tuned into the unique needs and desires of my clients. I want you to feel that you can trust the information I'm providing and that you'll always feel comfortable reaching out to me with any issues. I love working with first-time homebuyers, military families, and anyone else looking to buy or sell a home. I work to keep our communication easy and freeflowing. Give me a call today! Let's meet up so I can show you what's happening in the real estate market!

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