Community Profile - Portsmouth, 23704

23704 is a zip code in Portsmouth, Virginia. Close to Military Facility(ies), Stable Population, Moderate Residential Turnover, Coastal Area, Suburb of Virginia Beach. The median home sales price here ($108,697) is lower than in the Norfolk-Virginia Beach-Newport News metro area as a whole. 23704 is mostly a white collar job area.

Map of 23704

Real Estate Listings in 23704

80 results, showing the first 12; See All

1531 Spratley

Portsmouth, VA 23704

350000.00 MLS# 10528896

1703 Camden

Portsmouth, VA 23704

315000.00 MLS# 10528602

206 North

Portsmouth, VA 23704

459900.00 MLS# 10528880

2126 Queen

Portsmouth, VA 23704

189300.00 MLS# 10528882

2006 Camden

Portsmouth, VA 23704

269900.00 MLS# 10528801

1431 Lansing

Portsmouth, VA 23704

209900.00 MLS# 10528899

3000 Elm

Portsmouth, VA 23704

279900.00 MLS# 10528969

1518 Mathews

Portsmouth, VA 23704

375000.00 MLS# 10528658

1522 Mathews

Portsmouth, VA 23704

375000.00 MLS# 10528848

417 North

Portsmouth, VA 23704

319900.00 MLS# 10528693

419 North

Portsmouth, VA 23704

319900.00 MLS# 10528690

825 Duke St

Portsmouth, VA 23704

225000.00 MLS# 10528864

23704 Population Demographics

Total Population: 19,125 Households: 7,823
Male Population: 8,785 Family Households: 4,387
Female Population: 10,340 Households with Children: 2,525
Percent Change Since 1990: -18% Average Household Size: 2
Population Density: 3,826/sq mi Median Age: 33.28 yrs

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Portsmouth Homes in Zip Code

Welcome to, your premier source for real estate and homes for sale in 23704 in Central Portsmouth. Search for homes in 23704 and the larger city of Portsmouth or contact one of our real estate agents. We specialize in new construction and military relocation in Hampton Roads. We also have an aggressive marketing campaign that can get your home sold quickly. Contact us today about homes in 23704.

Portsmouth Real Estate

Portsmouth has a variety of housing options to offer potential homebuyers. From townhouses, condos, and single-family homes, to foreclosures, new construction homes, and waterfront estates, Portsmouth has something for everyone. An older city, Portsmouth has a charming Historic District and a variety of distinctive communities spread throughout the city.

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Last Data Update: 2024-04-19 17:43:02