Liberty Ridge Community

Centerville Rd Williamsburg, VA 23188

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Details for Liberty Ridge, Williamsburg

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Description of Liberty Ridge, Williamsburg

A custom home builder with vision can construct a stately new home built on pristine land within Liberty Ridge. Take a stroll through this exclusive enclave of exquisite properties and see why this is now a premier location for distinguished homebuyers. Williamsburg, VA, is home to this community allowing residents to breathe clean, country air but easily access military bases like Camp Peary and Naval Weapons Station Yorktown.

Home sites, which vary in size from three to nine acres, are perfect size parcels for building that forever dream home. While the land is comprised of majestic evergreens and mighty oaks, the houses are still the main attraction in this wooded wonderland. The beauty of buying land in Liberty Ridge is controlling how that new home gets built. Add a front porch, dual spiral staircase, veranda, built-ins, master bedroom fireplace, four-car garage and the list continues.

Besides having a timeless piece of architecture designed by a custom home builder, residents also get amenities in Liberty Ridge. When one builds a new home here, he also builds a new life with the help of this neighborhood. Community activities are planned throughout the year to entertain residents of all ages. A swimming pool, clubhouse, two parks and nature trails are designed just for pure enjoyment and isn't that what life is all about?

What's not to love about Williamsburg? Virginia just would not be Virginia without this historical city. While those who love learning about the past can undoubtedly find ways to pass the time, this is also a prime spot for adventurers. Freedom Park is home to one of America's first free black settlements. This park attracts mountain bikers from around the globe for its 15 miles of challenging trails through picturesque scenery. Golfers can tee up on the courses at Williamsburg National Golf Club and Ford's Colony Country Club.

Building a new home is easy but building a new dream home, now that can be a bit tougher. With the right custom home builder and a choice piece of land in Liberty Ridge, the outcome can be simply marvelous.

Builders in Liberty Ridge, Williamsburg

Neighborhood Listings from the MLS

Community Profile for zip code 23188

Total Population
Median Commute Time
Median Years in Residence
Residential Turnover Rate
Median Home Sales Price
Crime Risk Index
Air Pollution Index
Family Households
Households w/ Children
Population Density
Median Age
Median Household Income
Per Capita Income
White Collar Jobs
Overall Weather Risk

Notice: This free community resource was developed from public information by and does not imply that nor Wainwright Real Estate are the listing agent/company at this community. Homes shown in pictures above are not necessarily for sale. All photos are strictly for informational purposes only. If any of these homes are currently listed, this is not intended to be a solicitation. The average home prices in neighborhoods listed above are periodically gathered from public resources; all information reflected here is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Read our full terms of use »

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